Water Gauge

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The water gauge is a machine located in the Turbine Room that regulates the flow of water needed to keep the ship operating. In order to access the Engine Room, a seaman experiencing difficulty with the turbine power output will request assistance from Frank Carlson, who he assumes is employed by the White Star Line.

Puzzle Solution

The objective to repairing the water gauge is to move the needle on the left side into the green zone. While the seaman will let Carlson see the instruction manual if he is confused, the actual solution to the puzzle is simpler.

The player should turn all three red circular valves to the left as far as they will go, before moving the Boiler Control lever until the needle moves into the specified area.

The gauge will need repair a second time when Carlson goes to the Engine Room to reach the fourth smokestack, though the solution for doing so is still the same.


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