Third Officer Morrow/Quotes

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Quotes by Third Officer Morrow.

"Good evening! Third Officer Morrow here. I am sorry, but this is the officers' promenade. No passengers allowed. You're the second passenger tonight who's been here. A young woman tried to enter the wireless room earlier. Such cheek! Probably a suffragette! Regulations forbid passengers from entering the wireless room. Now, goodnight."
"Yes, what now? This area's off-limits. No passengers allowed."
"Excuse me. I said, this is the officers' promenade. Didn't you hear me? No passengers! That means you!"
"What now?"
"If you need to keep someone waiting, call your valet. I'm an officer."

Frank Carlson: "Care for a drink?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Drink? I don't! And don't care for those who do. Excuse me, would you? I must return to my watch. Goodnight."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

Frank Carlson: "Sorry to disturb you."
Third Officer Morrow: "Yes, yes... This is the officers' promenade. Goodnight."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

Frank Carlson: "Your watch tonight?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Yes. Though the only thing to watch is the wireless room. They just keep bringing up more messages! Wireless telegraphy is all the rage these days!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "The wireless is quite a toy."
Third Officer Morrow: "A toy? Certainly not! It's quite important! This is the officers' promenade. No passengers allowed! Goodnight."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I'm not interested in wireless."
Third Officer Morrow: "You're in the minority, I'm afraid."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I'd like to see it work some time."
Third Officer Morrow: "Not tonight, I'm afraid. I've got an uneasy feeling. Something seems wrong..."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "May I visit the wireless room?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Not tonight, I'm afraid. I've got an uneasy feeling. Something seems wrong..."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

Frank Carlson: "The sea appears calm."
Third Officer Morrow: "Yes. Very calm."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "The North Atlantic is still cold in April."
Third Officer Morrow: "We've received some ice reports. Shouldn't be a problem, though. Not on the Titanic."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "It's a clear night, but dark."
Third Officer Morrow: "No moon. I don't like that. Can't see what's coming. No moon means surprises. As if we don't have enough already. Mister Ismay, the White Star Line president's onboard. We're walking eggshells 'round him, I tell you! Though that's nothing compared to creeping about my brother-in-law's doing at the moment! His entire London office is in an uproar!"
Frank Carlson: "Could you elaborate?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Tom works in the Admiralty. Seems our plans for troop deployments against Germany disappeared three weeks ago. Tom says the big boys're petrified the Jerries'll get wind of it! Could upset the balance of power. Politics! Desk-top espionage! Bureaucrats! Pah! Give me the sea — you can toss the rest."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "What branch of the Admiralty does Tom work in?"
Third Officer Morrow: "You ask a lot of questions. Ones I don't want to answer."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "You don't like politics?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Never have. Not since the War."
Frank Carlson: "What war was that?"
Third Officer Morrow: "South Africa. Boer War. The officer was a drinker. He was drunk when they trapped us out on the veldt. On a moonless night. It was a massacre. We never saw them coming. Drink always leads to the devil."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "You're lucky. You survived it."
Third Officer Morrow: "Lucky? No, I wouldn't think that I was."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "They say war is unthinkable in this modern age."
Third Officer Morrow: "Then why are so many people thinking about it?"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "No wonder moonless nights make you jumpy."
Third Officer Morrow: "An interesting connection. For all I know it could be true. A man's got his troubles. Sick child. Being away from home. But I hate whiners. And apologizers. But thank you for your insight."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Now, may I visit the wireless room?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Have a look, why don't you? Mind you — Phillips'll have my head if he catches you in there. But I don't see any harm. Go on in!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

Frank Carlson: "May I visit the wireless office?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Suit yourself. They went to get coffee."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "May I visit the bridge?"
Third Officer Morrow: "We aren't supposed to allow passengers on the bridge."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

Frank Carlson: "Everything quiet out here?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Too quiet."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "What about looking for ice?"
Third Officer Morrow: "A good idea. We've received ice reports abou— Blast! My binoculars! Where the devil did I put them?! I've misplaced them. Damn! Er — sorry."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Thinking about your family?"
Third Officer Morrow: "It's Annie. With Matthew so sick, I worry about my wife."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I wish I could help."
Third Officer Morrow: "Medicine's expensive and we're paid no bloody great fortune, either. A one-way first-class ticket costs more than I make in a year... But who said life was fair?"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Could Leyland Trask help?"
Third Officer Morrow: "I don't know a Mister Trask."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Could the Revered Troutt help?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Troutt? That minister? Hah. No! He's no help at all."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Could Buick Riviera help?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Riviera? The Frenchman? You're joking. Man should be pitched overboard! The crew's scared to death of him — say he can predict the future. An asset if you're a professional gambler! And Riviera's one of the best! Worked the North Atlantic run for years. Cardsharps usually use an alias. But not him! He's got the devil's luck!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

Frank Carlson: "Would you like these binoculars?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Ah, my binoculars! Thank you. Borrowed them from Fleet earlier tonight. He's up in the crow's nest; hope he has another pair with him. Guess I left them somewhere. Thanks again!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "May I visit the bridge?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Well, I suppose it's alright. Just don't touch!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
"Ahem! I think you've seen enough. Seaman! Check course! Now I remember why passengers aren't allowed on the bridge."


"See what I said about moonless nights?"
"Stay calm! I'm preparing these port-side lifeboats for launch."
Frank Carlson: "Is there room on the lifeboat?"
Third Officer Morrow: "The captain's ordered boarding of women and children first. There are still boats! Be patient! There are boats left!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "What can I do to help?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Reassure the passengers. If they panic, we'll save no one!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Can't you help me?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Yes. Keep them calm, I'll see what I can do."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I've got to get on a lifeboat!"
Third Officer Morrow: "Don't make me use this! *shows revolver* "
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Would you like this...?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Good God! This can't save you. Nothing can!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Would you like this...?"
Third Officer Morrow: "No! There's no time now. I've got work to do! There are still boats! Be patient! There are boats left!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Would you like this...?"
Third Officer Morrow: "No, I've got other things to do! There are still women waiting to board! Come along, ladies... hurry now!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Would you like this boat pass?"
Third Officer Morrow: "What is this claptrap?! Try your trick on one of the sailors. It's women and children first!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I am leaving."
Third Officer Morrow: "Remain calm! Loading will begin in a few minutes. Women and children first, please. Ladies, step forward. Your husbands will come later. That's it, step up!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

"Boats ten and twelve are next!"
Frank Carlson: "Is there room on the lifeboat?"
Third Officer Morrow: "The captain's ordered boarding of women and children first. There are still boats! Be patient! There are boats left! Come along, ladies... hurry now!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I am leaving."
Third Officer Morrow: "Sailor! Start filling ten and twelve!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

"Number fourteen and sixteen are being filled!"
Frank Carlson: "Is there room on the lifeboat?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Be patient! There are still women waiting!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "What can I do to help?"
Third Officer Morrow: "Help the passengers! The last thing we need's a riot."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I've got to get on a lifeboat!"
Third Officer Morrow: "Keep your wits! I'm counting on people like you to preserve order!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "I am leaving."
Third Officer Morrow: "Step back! Boats fourteen and sixteen are next!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Andrew Conkling: "The boats are full! There's no more room! No more! When these boats go, that's it! We're trapped! We'll drown! I'm getting on, you understand! They'll throw out somebody else! I've got money — I'll give them thousands. I've got to get on a boat!"
Third Officer Morrow: "Stand away from the boats! It's women and children! Women and children only! I'll shoot! Come closer and I'll— *shoots Conkling* Women and children first!"
Andrew Conkling and Third Officer Morrow

"These are the last two boats! Two and four!"
Frank Carlson: "I am leaving."
Third Officer Morrow: "Keep your wits! Stay calm!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

"Four's the last one! Damned rigging's delayed us!"
Frank Carlson: "I am leaving."
Third Officer Morrow: "Goodbye."
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow

"The lifeboats are away. There's no more. The bastards! They didn't have enough for everybody."
Frank Carlson: "What should I do?"
Third Officer Morrow: "There are no more boats. Do you hear me? No more! The nearest ship is still miles away! Good God, don't you understand?! She's sinking!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
Frank Carlson: "Can't you help me?"
Third Officer Morrow: "There are no boats! They're all gone! Don't panic!"
Frank Carlson and Third Officer Morrow
"Tell them we did our best! Tell them!"

Tour guide

"Welcome to the Bridge. From this room, I have absolute control over the ship. These are the controls for the watertight doors. They connect the boiler and engine rooms below; should any water enter, I can lower them instantly. They're controlled by an electric magnet. We can stay afloat indefinitely with this system — not that we'll ever need to. We're making quite good time. Our location... let's see... let's see, not far from Newfoundland. The wireless operators are in touch with Cape Race, I believe. The wireless room is just astern of the Bridge, should you wish to visit."