Max Seidelmann/Quotes

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Quotes by Max Seidelmann.

Max Seidelmann: "Riviera broke me. Damned Frenchman! Whadda you want?"
Frank Carlson: "How do I get to the gymnasium?"
Max Seidelmann: "Health nut, are ya? It's on the boat deck. Above us."
Frank Carlson: "Night."
Max Seidelmann: "Yeah, it's a night alright. A regular night to remember!"
Frank Carlson and Max Seidelmann on the A-Deck Promenade
"Lay off, will ya?"
"Look, I'm not interested in talking."
"Dontcha love this sea air? Really clears out the sinuses! Max Seidelmann. Philadephia, PA. Buyer for Haymakers Department Store. "The Sharpie of Spruce Street", they call me! You a sporting type? You look like a sporting type. C'mon down to the smoking room for a nightcap. Riviera's looking for someone to play a few hands of blackjack with him. Whaddaya say? Not much else to do. Not tonight. Brr! Cold as a cast-iron commode out here! So... whaddaya say?"
Frank Carlson: "Sorry, I've other plans."
Max Seidelmann: "Okay. Some other time, maybe?"
Frank Carlson denies Max Seidelmann's offer on the First Class Promenade
Max Seidelmann: "Change your mind?"
Frank Carlson: "No, I think I'll stay out here and get some fresh air."
Max Seidelmann: "Too bad. I could've introduced you to a man named Zeitel. Oh well. Another time, perhaps. G'night."
Frank Carlson and Max Seidelmann on the First Class Promenade
Max Seidelmann: "Change your mind?"
Frank Carlson: "Got an extra cigarette?"
Max Seidelmann: "Here ya go. An Old Red. Only brand I smoke. Let's hit the café. Whaddaya say?"
Frank Carlson and Max Seidelmann on the First Class Promenade
Frank Carlson: "You sound like a cardsharp to me."
Max Seidelmann: "If that's the way you're gonna be, don't bother! Sheesh! Just trying to be friendly. Some people! Look, I'm really not interested in talking. A cardsharp! Me! Max Seidelmann! Haymaker's head buyer!"
Frank Carlson and Max Seidelmann on the First Class Promenade
Frank Carlson: "Good night."
Max Seidelmann: "So long! Maybe I'll catch up with you in New York. We'll do a few shows, maybe?"
Frank Carlson and Max Seidelmann on the First Class Promenade
Max Seidelmann: "Hey, Colonel! How ya doing? Willie. Like you to meet a friend."
Colonel Zeitel: "A pleasure! Haderlitz and I, we welcome diversion during such an uneventful passage. Don't we Willie?"
Max Seidelmann introduces Frank Carlson to Colonel Zeitel and Willie von Haderlitz