Edgar Troutt/Quotes

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Quotes by Edgar Troutt.

Edgar Troutt: "A fine night to be indoors, cold as the dickens outside! Cold but clear."
Frank Carlson: "Who are you?"
Edgar Troutt: "Clear as a bell. And the stars! Oh, you should see! A million stars in God's firmament. A congregation of light! The name's Troutt. The Reverend Edgar Troutt. I am returning from a mission in Africa. To Sunapee, New Hampshire, where we liv— I mean, I live. Emily, my wife. She's dead"
Frank Carlson: "My sympathies."
Edgar Troutt: "Thank you. We had looked forward to this journey. But she died at Port Said. Though it was Nyasaland that killed her. The doctors, you know, never did find all the parasites."
Edgar Troutt and Frank Carlson
Edgar Troutt: "We've just ended a hymn-sing in the second class lounge. It's the Titanic's first Sunday afloat."
Frank Carlson: "What did you sing?"
Edgar Troutt: "'For All Those in Peril on the Sea'. Tell me, are you religious?"
Frank Carlson: "Yes."
Edgar Troutt: "Do not forget God. And do not collude with the Godless! There are many on this ship. Leyland Trask, for example. A seer! A clairvoyant! He claims the most outrageous blasphemies. Remember: that which does not come from God is not of God."
Edgar Troutt and Frank Carlson
Edgar Troutt: "Wait! Before you leave… I was wondering: perhaps you'd care to make a donation to our mission in Nyasaland?"
Frank Carlson: "Surely, I would."
Edgar Troutt: "I am very happy! I shall call upon you tomorrow to discuss it. Good evening."
Edgar Troutt and Frank Carlson
Edgar Troutt: "Wait! Before you leave… I was wondering: perhaps you'd care to make a donation to our mission in Nyasaland?"
Frank Carlson: "I don't know."
Edgar Troutt: "Sorry to have bothered you. Perhaps another time? Good evening."
Edgar Troutt and Frank Carlson