Daisy Cashmore/Quotes

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Quotes by Daisy Cashmore.

"But my dear, it's Daisy, Daisy Cashmore! Surely you remember… You are a naughty thing! Don't think I didn't know you'd snuck on at Cherbourg! Smethells told me all about it, the old boy's always dripping with news! Heard about Lord and Lady Lambeth? Ruined utterly! Scarcely enough left for appearances, I'm told. I always liked Georgia. Married Charles for his name and his fortune, sensible girl. But she's made her nest, now she must live in it. Well…"
Frank Carlson: "Please, tell me more."
Daisy Cashmore: "What do we think? Gorgeous isn't it? Everyone's raving! Gushing! The Titanic! Couldn't be more fabulous! And the sailing! Couldn't have been more convenient! Everyone's here: the Astors, the George Wideners, the Countess of Rothes — such a wonderful girl! The Strauses — I saw them on D-Deck tonight — the Ryersons, the Henry Harpers. I could just go on and on! And the ship's so very advanced! I was just saying to my dear friends, the Carters — they're bringing back a motorcar, do you believe? In the cargo hold! Bill Carter checks it daily! Really! Every day! He keeps the keys with the purser. And of course they let them. The Carters are fantastically rich! Lucille doesn't understand the attraction at all! With men and machines, I tell her, we girls play second fiddle… Well…"
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore
Daisy Cashmore: "There you are, skulking as usual! My dear, I've a little favor: a tiny, tiny, tiny one."
Frank Carlson: "No, I can't."
Daisy Cashmore: "Off? On some lark, no doubt! You do keep your secrets, they say… to the grave! Ta!"
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore
Daisy Cashmore: "My dear, I've a little favor: a tiny, tiny, tiny one."
Frank Carlson: "With pleasure."
Daisy Cashmore: "Tonight, at dinner, a man I don't know, was making eyes at me. Be an absolute darling and find out who he is."
Frank Carlson: "How should I do that?"
Daisy Cashmore: "Look him up in the passenger list. All I know are his initials: G-Q-C. The list's someplace, find it! I'll wait right here. Ta!"
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore
Daisy Cashmore: "Did you get it? Get his name?"
Frank Carlson: "No."
Daisy Cashmore: "No? You haven't found a passenger list? Try the purser's office, he'll have one."
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore
Daisy Cashmore: "Did you get it? Get his name?"
Frank Carlson: "Yes."
Daisy Cashmore: "You're such a tease! You don't have one at all? Try the purser's office, he'll have one."
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore
Daisy Cashmore: "Did you get it? Get his name?"
Frank Carlson: "Yes. It's George Quincy Clifford."
Daisy Cashmore: "Clifford… Clifford… Never heard of him. You don't suppose he's rich, do you?"
Frank Carlson: "Could be filthy… or merely stinking."
Daisy Cashmore: "You're an angel! And I've news for you, too! While you were gone, Andrew Conkling's been asking for you. Yes, Conkling, the steel baron! God knows what he's been doing in Europe — buying it, probably — and… Where was I…? Oh, yes! Andrew Conkling. Asked me to pass along this… [presents card] You know his wife, Beatrix, the designer? Such an eye! Her clothes preserve the bust line, couldn't be more flattering. Keeps the eye moving, much nicer than Worth's! They're friends with Captain Smith. Smith! So handsome, so dashing! White Star's best officer. Or was. He's retiring after this voyage. Couldn't be more tragic. My dear, you've blanched! Bad news?"
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore
Frank Carlson: "Good night."
Daisy Cashmore: "Certainly, certainly, I must… it's Mrs. Borebank! Consuelo!"
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore
"There you are! As head of the White Star Line, I say Bruce Ismay should get a medal! I was at his table this afternoon. The food! Exquisite, really. It's Mrs. Candee! Helen! My dear, I simply must run. Lovely chatting with you, goodbye!"
"Yoo-hoo! Did you hear? J.P. Morgan-he owns the White Star Line. He was to be onboard. At the last minute the took the cure to France instead! Why, do you suppose? Has the ship sprung a leak! I'll scare myself to death! Everyone knows the Titanic's unsinkable! Why, it's the Harrises! You know, the Broadway producer! My dear, I simply must run. Lovely chatting with you! Goodbye!"
"Yoo-hoo! I must confide with someone! It’s Mrs. Casebeer! Who does she think she is? I hear she bribed the purser. To upgrade her rooms. To first class. What a social climber! Isn’t that Archie Gracie? Archie! My dear, I simply must run. Lovely chatting with you! Goodbye!"


Daisy Cashmore: "My dear, such excitement! I am in a swivet! But my dear, I must tell you, a Colonel Zeitel's been asking for you — in the lounge. Know him? Drat these things. And my luggage! What about my luggage?"
Frank Carlson: "Luggage?"
Daisy Cashmore: "For the lifeboats! Miss Russell brought her toy pig. Why can't I bring a steamer trunk? I really don't see why not…"
Daisy Cashmore and Frank Carlson
"The boats… I must find the right one… the right boat… But it's not that bad, is it? We won't die… No, we won't."
"I must find my boat. I must! I can't just go with anyone."
"My dear, there's simply no time to talk. I must find my boat!"

Daisy Cashmore: "Have you seen the Astors? My dear, how did you ever miss them? In the gymnasium! J.J. was dissecting one of these wretched jackets to show his wife. Horrid! They go with nothing! Nothing! Couldn't be more tiresome… though white did go with J.J.'s blue suit. But then, he always cuts a figure. The Astor men! Such sharp dressers. Such prizes! As she figured out!"
Frank Carlson: "Who figured out?"
Daisy Cashmore: "Madeleine. His child bride! Imagine! John Jacob Astor, a divorced man, marrying a nineteen-year-old! From Brooklyn, too. In one "I do", she became like crème brûlée: too rich to digest. Social disaster! They were cut, my dear, cut dead! So John took her abroad. To Egypt, where they and Mrs. Brown, that dreadful miner's wife, were thicker than thieves. Of which Cairo is infested, I assure you!"
Daisy Cashmore and Frank Carlson

Daisy Cashmore: "Have you seen the Astors? Benjie Guggenheim?"
Frank Carlson: "Who are the Astors?"
Daisy Cashmore: "Why John Jacob Astor, the millionaire, of course!"
Daisy Cashmore and Frank Carlson
Daisy Cashmore: "Have you seen the Astors? Benjie Guggenheim?"
Frank Carlson: "No, I haven't seen the Astors."
Daisy Cashmore: "My dear, how could you have missed them? They were in the gymnasium!"
Daisy Cashmore and Frank Carlson
Daisy Cashmore: "Have you seen the Astors? Benjie Guggenheim?"
Frank Carlson: "Who is Mr. Guggenheim?"
Daisy Cashmore: "The millionaire, you silly thing! He and his valet — dressed to the nines — prepared to go down like gentlemen… Such jokers!"
Daisy Cashmore and Frank Carlson
Frank Carlson: "I suggest you take the next boat."
Daisy Cashmore: "Leaving? If you see the Astors, do tell them Daisy wants to go in their boat. It'll be such fun! Ta — don't, don't forget: their boat! I only travel with the best! Goodbye."
Frank Carlson and Daisy Cashmore

Daisy Cashmore: "The boats! The boats! I can't find them! Everyone's gone! The officer, he wanted to put me in a boat with people I didn't know. But it's not that bad, is it? We won't die… No, we won't."
Frank Carlson: "There are no more boats."
Daisy Cashmore: "The boats… I must find the right one… I can't just go with anyone."
Daisy Cashmore and Frank Carlson

Tour guide

"Good evening. I see you've found the Grand Staircase; lovely, isn't it? And, of course, you'll see absolutely everyone passing through here on their way to dinner. The Astors themselves just went down. Colonel John Jacob Astor is one of the world's wealthiest men, you know. I hear he's worth more than 107 million dollars. They have one of the most expensive suites on board — their tickets alone cost more than 4 thousand dollars. Mrs. Astor — she was Miss Madeleine Force of New York — is the Colonel's second wife. They've been married only since September, and they've been touring the continent since. I hear they're already expecting a child. I do hope the voyage isn't too difficult for poor Madeleine. She's only 19, can you imagine? Then there's Izzie — Isidor Straus. He's a partner in Macy's and Lord & Taylor in New York. Such lovely emporiums, don't you agree? He was born in Bavaria, but I hear he grew up in Georgia. I hear he even tried to join the Confederate Army — they wouldn't have him. Mrs. Straus is along as well. Oh, that's Archie Butt! Major Archibald Willingham Butt, I should say. He's returning from a very important mission to the Pope in Rome, and he's carrying a message back to President Taft. But when he's off-duty, Archie is such a gay-blade! Have him tell you about being sent to the Pacific with a boatload of mules — he's just too amusing! The page is playing "The Roast Beef of Old England", that's the call to dinner. Perhaps we'll see you again later?"