Colonel Zeitel/Quotes

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Quotes by Colonel Zeitel.

"I believe it is not correct form to speak to those who have not been introduced. Goodnight!"
Max Seidelmann: "Hey, Colonel! How ya doing? Willie. Like you to meet a friend."
Colonel Zeitel: "A pleasure! Haderlitz and I, we welcome diversion during such an uneventful passage. Don't we Willie?"
Willie von Haderlitz: "Certainly..."
Colonel Zeitel: "Willie is at the University of Vienna, dissecting children's fables."
Willie von Haderlitz: "C-cultural mythology. It is quite interesting. Though only a junior professor, I try to interest Doctor Freud. He is a genius and I —"
Colonel Zeitel: "Yes, I am sure, quite. On the passenger list it says that you embarked at Cherbourg. Yet I have not seen you with the others. You were there, were you not?"
Max Seidelmann introduces Frank Carlson to Colonel Zeitel and Willie von Haderlitz
Frank Carlson: "I don't make much of an entrance." or "I was feeling ill."
Colonel Zeitel: "I see. You are British? Not so many of you in Titanic's first cabins. These days most of the rich are Americans. Businessmen, like Max. Tell me. Why do you go to New York?"
Frank Carlson and Colonel Zeitel in the Café Parisian
Frank Carlson: "I am on holiday."
Colonel Zeitel: "I'm envious! Unfortunately, my work does not permit me to indulge in the pleasures of the leisure class."
Willie von Haderlitz: "The Theory of the Leisure Class? I have read Professor Veblen! He's quite good. I —"
Colonel Zeitel: "Quite."
Frank Carlson and Colonel Zeitel in the Café Parisian
Frank Carlson: "I am on business."
Colonel Zeitel: "Business. How interesting, considering the British are not so good at it."
Frank Carlson and Colonel Zeitel in the Café Parisian
Frank Carlson: "What do you do?"
Colonel Zeitel: "Me? Inspecting our embassies. Imperial Germany desires to make a good impression in North America. Willie is continuing on. To the West, to conduct research on Aboriginal customs."
Willie von Haderlitz: "The Indians, they are fascinating."
Colonel Zeitel: "Yes, yes. However, I place faith in science, not superstition."
Frank Carlson and Colonel Zeitel in the Café Parisian
Max Seidelmann: "The Colonel was sayin' this wireless stuff's revolutionizin' everything. Sending messages to each other. It's the end of books and newspapers!"
Colonel Zeitel: "Like the Titanic. A technological triumph! Here we dine in comfort while racing along at twenty knots. Yet, still tied to the outside world by the wireless..."
Willie von Haderlitz: "That reminds me, Colonel Zeitel, when I go to send your telegram, they told me it was to be delayed. There are too many messages. The passengers..."
Colonel Zeitel: "I am sure our guests do not care to hear a detailed discussion of your encounter with telegraphy. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
Max Seidelmann, Frank Carlson, Colonel Zeitel and Willie von Haderlitz in the Café Parisian
Willie von Haderlitz: "Please, excuse us."
Colonel Zeitel: "Won't you call on us tomorrow? Here, in the café? The Linzer torte's quite passable for a British ship. Stop by. Willie and I'd welcome it most heartily."
Willie von Haderlitz: "Yes, most heartily."
Colonel Zeitel: "And before I leave, you must allow me to give you some advice: do not wander the ship. It is not good, I think, on a ship as big as the Titanic. Goodnight, friends."
Willie von Haderlitz: "Goodnight."
Colonel Zeitel and Willie von Haderlitz excuse themselves from the Café Parisian